Had a Coke Zero-freebie! Drank a 32 ounce Powerade Zero with about 8 packets of True Lemon - also a freebie! Drank a 20 ounce coffee with two little cups of half and half. Drank a bit less than a quart of unsweetened vanilla flavored coconut milk beverage. Also managed to drink some actual water.
Food was a 1.5 ounce pack of pork rinds, a 5 ounce summer sausage, and 7 ounces of Walmart pastrami.
Now for the calories and macros: Estimated calories were around 1100. Got around 90 grams of protein, so I met that goal, even if 24 of those were low-grade pork rind protein. 13 carb grams is 52 calories. So, 688 calories from fat, or 76 grams. I don't know how sustainable 1100 calories a day is. I'm not feeling hungry today because I made a huge pig of myself at a casino buffer yesterday. But it would be all kinds of awesome if I could keep this up. There is still lots of room to cut carbs with better protein sources.